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elf0724 | 發表時間: 2010-09-14 03:31 |
Home away from home 註冊日: 2007-06-22 來自: Taipei,Tainan 發表數: 497
Re: E-3後繼機秋季上市?? 引文:
jiayou 寫道: 引文: Aldebaran 寫道: 我比較傾向jiayou和Aldebaran兄的說法 太重的鏡頭終究是要上腳架 比較重但仍可手持的鏡頭以E-30的大小也就足夠了 須要再大的人可以外接手把 43片幅的機身搞得和135FF大小沒什麼兩樣 再怎麼說都有點遜啊 |
elf0724 | 發表時間: 2010-09-14 03:54 |
Home away from home 註冊日: 2007-06-22 來自: Taipei,Tainan 發表數: 497
Re: E-3後繼機秋季上市?? 香港奧林派上有人說
如果E-5真如目前43rumors傳聞的規格一樣 那就像都沒溫書就硬著頭皮去參加考試一樣 不知道這回Olympus有沒有用功讀書呢? |
jerloong | 發表時間: 2010-09-14 07:10 |
版主 註冊日: 2004-10-18 來自: 發表數: 2768
Re: E-3後繼機秋季上市?? 引文:
rumor就是rumor 有高潮起伏也不錯 43rumors對E-5有3個消息來源 這讓他迷惑了 不過也不能說他不準啦 只是規格細節 其消息來源無法由測試機外觀察覺 |
jerloong | 發表時間: 2010-09-14 07:20 |
版主 註冊日: 2004-10-18 來自: 發表數: 2768
Re: E-3後繼機秋季上市?? 引文:
回到攝政王當初打賭的情景 當下小弟已經"暗示" 不過大王又加碼了 "孤臣無力回天" |
yesir | 發表時間: 2010-09-14 07:42 |
Home away from home 註冊日: 2006-05-29 來自: 萊菔居 發表數: 401
Re: E-3後繼機秋季上市?? 會不會是 Olympus 故意做得跟 E-3 一樣
這樣一堆先進在測試的時候 才不會被他人發覺 等到今天公佈的時候才發現 功能不變 外型竟然改為 E-1 造型了 不不不 是 E-520 大小的類似 E-1 造型.... 我覺得E-1這種鏡頭偏左手的造型 才是正點阿∼ |
jerloong | 發表時間: 2010-09-14 07:58 |
版主 註冊日: 2004-10-18 來自: 發表數: 2768
Re: E-3後繼機秋季上市?? E-10 E-20 E-1 這也是小弟喜歡的造型
不過這團隊換人 後續推出就這造型 |
ADI | 發表時間: 2010-09-14 08:13 |
攝政王(特權份子) 註冊日: 2004-11-20 來自: 豬寮 發表數: 6944
Re: E-3後繼機秋季上市?? 看樣子,小弟是非吞不可了............
如果叫記者來報導一下 說是因為某歐粉打賭E-5一定長得跟E-3不一樣 結果OLYMPUS竟然把三年前的機殼造型原封不動改個機號就發機 該歐粉不得已,必須買台E-5來磨粉 這樣對OLYMPUS不知道好不好!~ 如果元佑同意要搞這麼大 小弟勉為其難買台機身來磨粉也未嘗不可,順便找幾個記者來報導一下,以昭公信。 不過,磨粉比較難 改用車輾可以嗎?? |
olddo | 發表時間: 2010-09-14 08:31 |
Not too shy to talk 註冊日: 2004-10-29 來自: 發表數: 44
Re: E-3後繼機秋季上市?? 密切注意中
ducknest | 發表時間: 2010-09-14 08:34 |
Home away from home 註冊日: 2005-07-12 來自: 發表數: 1238
Re: E-3後繼機秋季上市?? 引文:
小弟可以提供切割器材,不過方便打上贊助商嗎 這樣就可以來跟公司申請 |
yesir | 發表時間: 2010-09-14 08:43 |
Home away from home 註冊日: 2006-05-29 來自: 萊菔居 發表數: 401
Re: E-3後繼機秋季上市?? 引文:
會不會元佑特地找 中藥商 做個 E-5 造型的中藥丸 然後再磨成粉.... 這樣打廣告也不賴耶∼ |
nikon247 | 發表時間: 2010-09-14 08:53 |
Quite a regular 註冊日: 2010-07-22 來自: 發表數: 134
Re: E-3後繼機秋季上市?? 引文:
期待大王e5首發開箱阿~~~~~~~ |
ADI | 發表時間: 2010-09-14 09:02 |
攝政王(特權份子) 註冊日: 2004-11-20 來自: 豬寮 發表數: 6944
Re: E-3後繼機秋季上市?? 引文:
買來輾的,哪需要開箱?? |
collective | 發表時間: 2010-09-14 09:03 |
版主 註冊日: 2004-10-18 來自: 柏格方塊 發表數: 13139
Re: E-3後繼機秋季上市?? 小民誠心薦請吾王以開645D代替吞雙五.
開始公投. collective贊成 壹票 |
jiayou | 發表時間: 2010-09-14 09:05 |
Home away from home 註冊日: 2005-12-12 來自: 發表數: 378
Re: E-3後繼機秋季上市?? 引文:
雖然是馬後砲,不過小弟一直覺得jerloong大似乎早就知道什麼了, 例如之前43rumor放規格時,您也說過類似:「規格還有錯」的話 |
土香 | 發表時間: 2010-09-14 09:08 |
Just can't stay away 註冊日: 2010-02-07 來自: 台北 發表數: 256
Re: E-3後繼機秋季上市?? 贊成 +壹票
ADI | 發表時間: 2010-09-14 09:09 |
攝政王(特權份子) 註冊日: 2004-11-20 來自: 豬寮 發表數: 6944
Re: E-3後繼機秋季上市?? 引文:
想也知道 明天就要開發表會的 島內會沒人看過?? |
burgessw | 發表時間: 2010-09-14 09:12 |
Quite a regular 註冊日: 2006-01-22 來自: 發表數: 68
Re: E-3後繼機秋季上市?? jerloong大是不是在元佑(或相關事業)工作啊?
感覺jerloong大以前就會放出和Olympus相關的資訊了 不過又不能明講的樣子 |
elf0724 | 發表時間: 2010-09-14 09:14 |
Home away from home 註冊日: 2007-06-22 來自: Taipei,Tainan 發表數: 497
Re: E-3後繼機秋季上市?? 引文:
jiayou 寫道: 再回頭來看下面這篇jerloong版主先前提到的文章 引文: elf0724 寫道: 再幾個小時就可以真相大白啦 |
jerloong | 發表時間: 2010-09-14 09:20 |
版主 註冊日: 2004-10-18 來自: 發表數: 2768
Re: E-3後繼機秋季上市?? 午餐別吃太飽
不然下午茶再吃會太撐 (其實小弟是怕有人 噁心 頭暈 反胃 想吐) 澄清一下 小弟工作與元佑無關啦 寫真迷為網友提供正確訊息 責無旁貸 當有其他網站提供rumor時 小弟也會推敲過濾之 |
turtleknig | 發表時間: 2010-09-14 10:31 |
Just can't stay away 註冊日: 2009-03-07 來自: 發表數: 151
Re: E-3後繼機秋季上市?? 正式的press release從法國某網站流出來了
(from 43rumors) “If the differences between the E5 and its predecessor Olympus E3 seem pretty small, it is the most important elements of the apparatus which have undergone a change. Indeed, the E5 adopts a new sensor, a new processor and a new screen. It also offers the HD video and also artistic filters borrowed from another by Olympus. The sensor of 12.3 million pixels of the E5 offers a reasonable definition that Olympus did not want to increase focus and good management of noise at high sensitivities. As the E3 and most SLR brand, the Live MOS sensor 4 / 3 is equipped with dust filter SSWF. The latter has proven itself, it avoids any accumulation of dust on the sensor surface. To reduce vibration at the onset and Live View mode, the E5 has the renowned mechanical stabilization system controlled by supersonic waves from Olympus. This is a new image processor TruePic V which is incorporated into the E5 for better performance and improved noise management. In burst mode, the pace of E5 is 5 frames per second in high resolution and sensitivity rises to 6400. The autofocus module with 11 points on the cross of E3 is itself stored on the E5. Also new, the LCD offers a fully articulated 3-inch diagonal but above definition record of 960 000 pixels. These features allow for enjoyable viewing of images including Live View mode. The E5 inherits the superb production of its predecessor with a magnesium alloy case, light, tropical and ultra-resistant. The housing is resistant to water splashes, dust and multiple pressure constraints. Its interface is well designed and the menus are simplified in the manner of a PEN. Moreover, the mark embedded in E5 several artistic filters to obtain images of original artistic renderings without editing. We find the effects Pop-Art, Soft Focus, Pinhole and a new filter that offers HDR rendering dramatic. The novelty of this case lies in the possibility of making videos. Indeed, the E5 is capable of recording 720p HD motion sequences (1280 x 720 pixels) at 30 frames per second. In video mode, the exposure can be managed automatically or manually with a complete management of the aperture. Autofocus operates continuously throughout the sequence. The Olympus will be available in October 2010 suggested retail price of 1699 euros body only.” 跟rumor一模一樣,只是少了1fps,變成5fps |
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