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發表時間: 2008-05-14 07:56
Not too shy to talk
註冊日: 2005-01-30
來自: 香港
發表數: 29
[42982] E-3 焦點前移
原來外國已有一鑼鑼 E-3 "焦點前移" 的案例, 其中一個....

Source: http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/readflat.asp?forum=1022&thread=27492533&page=2


I had similar focus problems with 80-90% front or back focus. However, I detected the problem the same day I received the camera and after a few days of testing I sent a mail to Olympus Sweden with some samples explaining the situation. I immediately received a reply saying to pack everything back in the box and return the body for exchange as it was immediately classed as a DOA. The replacement body works fine.
I would advise you to take a series of test images, but you have to take the test images in a more controlled way. Don't recompose, if possible use tripod. Make sure no hair is hanging down on the eyes. Take a few test shots of slanting flat images as well. Use single spot AF, S-AF mode, sensitivity Small, Shutter priority OFF. If possible use tripod. IS or no IS should make no difference, the camera must work with and without. When you are done contact Olympus, but you must make sure you excluded the user error part, however painful and irritating that may sound, the two images you included here does not exlude the possibility of user error. Don't use LV, IMO it is not possible to hold the camera stable enough with the LV, especially if you focus and recompose, which you did here. I think that is a major problem with these two images. Use the VF or a tropod. Holding the camera traditionally gives more stability. IMO LV is for tripod works and emergency only.

Here are some of my test images, the red crossing lines mark the center of my focusing point. I used the ED50/2 macro at F/2.0. The lens worked previously very well on my E-500 for over a year, so I knew the lens or the filter on it was not the problem.
The first image is where I originally noted my problems.

機主發覺他的 E-3 對焦不準

Here is a 100% crop of the area where I focused.

100% 原圖

And here is what the camera focused on, the shoulder nearest the camera. 真正焦點前移到肩膀

My slanted ruler test images showed the same FF problem. The ruler was about 1 meter from the camera, slanted in about 45 degrees.
放了一把尺子於E-3前約一米拍了一張, 斜45度, 也顯示是焦點前移,

The 100% crop shows about 1 cm FF.

100% 原圖顯示約 1cm 焦點前移

All these were repeatable 80-90% of the time.

The images out of my second E-3 body with the same lens definitely look different in similar situations, as you can see in these 100% crop of the center area.

後OM換了一部E-3 給他後用上同一支鏡頭, 情況已不同

100% 原圖

Even slanted images work well.

A 100% crop of the remore. 100% 原圖

And the final, ruler image, a 100% crop of the focus area shows clearly no more problem.
The relation now is more like the opposite, about 80-90% (possibly even more)good and accurate focus. The camera still occasionally decides that the focus is right when the focus is actually totally wrong, but that only happens a very few times, as opposed to before, when accurate focus was a random occasion only. Of course, even before I could see most of the times when the camera missed focus alredy in the VF, so I don't understand how you can not see that.

I don't use the LV often, but I suppose it should be even more clearly visible when looking through the LV that an image is OOF. I think one pronlem with LV is that it is not possible to focus lock using the LV, AFAIK. Now that I took a pause from writing (I actually started to write this post about an hour ago) I realize you use the LV and recompose. Surly that can not work because then the camera will refocus when you finally take the image and press the shutter release. Isn't it the case? Anyway, as I said I don't use LV, so I am not an expert on it...

I suggest you take some similar images, if they turn out like my first series with the problem most of the time than you sould write a proper mail to Olympus and explain, include the sample images and call them next morning to discuss personally with the customer relations or the service manager. If your camera is still almost new, they should rerplace it, especially since they already had a chance to repair it, which they failed to do.

Good luck.
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主旨: 發表者 日期
 » E-3 焦點前移 sinoperson 2008-05-14 07:56
     Re: E-3 焦點前移 jerloong 2008-05-14 08:35
       Re: E-3 焦點前移 sinoperson 2008-05-14 10:10
         Re: E-3 焦點前移 jerloong 2008-05-14 12:35
           Re: E-3 焦點前移 ADI 2008-05-14 17:36
             Re: E-3 焦點前移 collective 2008-05-14 18:05
               Re: E-3 焦點前移 jerloong 2008-05-14 18:26
               Re: E-3 焦點前移 文包 2008-05-15 01:56


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