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發表時間: 2019-12-02 21:08
[111876] Re: How to use VPN on mobile devices?
Interestingly, if you use VPN in public places, where the open area of the Internet, you can not worry that your data will be able to view someone. I personally use here such VPN service nordvpn 評價. I like how fast it works and opens almost any websites. Even those where I was blocked by admin for some reason. And what VPN services do you know on a paid basis? Where do you buy such a service? Why and how did you choose this VPN, which you now use? How many revised different options before you made your choice?
發表時間: 2019-12-02 12:48
Just popping in
註冊日: 2019-12-02
發表數: 1
[111875] Re: How to use VPN on mobile devices?
virtual private network that provides freedom and security of work on the Web. The main functions of a TopVPN are to hide your identity and location, protect transmitted and received data, provide free access to useful sites, online stores and services. Consider the main myths about using the VPN service and why such a service is necessary for every active user of the modern Internet.
發表時間: 2019-12-01 22:13
Just popping in
註冊日: 2019-12-01
發表數: 5
[111870] Re: How to use VPN on mobile devices?
Of course, the ability to access the Internet anywhere is a useful and convenient thing, but how safe it is. Information security experts say that through an unprotected Wi-Fi connection, you can simply and easily access all the data on the gadget.
發表時間: 2019-12-01 19:29
Just popping in
註冊日: 2019-12-01
發表數: 8
[111863] How to use VPN on mobile devices?
How to use VPN on mobile devices?
We will look at those devices that have on Board the popular OS, such as iOS or Android.

Using VPN on smartphones or tablets is also quite simple, namely-through mobile applications. The problem is that some programs require root-rights, and this additional troubles, plus, the ability to turn the phone into a "brick". So look for those programs that do not require you to root. On Android, for example, it's OpenVPN, and on iOS it's Cloak. Also on the iPhone and iPad, you can use the free and proven Opera VPN for iOS. I myself sometimes use it, it works fine.
The download technology is very simple: download the app from the Play Market or AppStore, install it on your device. Next, activate the VPN, select the profile (from where, get the IP address), then, the connection is made and that's it. Now you walk on the Internet through a VPN, and what you will tell the application used.

Now you understand how the technology of VPN connections is implemented, and now your stay in the network will become more secure, anonymous, and most importantly-accessible and unlimited.
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