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發表時間: 2006-11-19 19:32
註冊日: 2004-12-04
發表數: 1916
[19849] [轉貼] AGFA is Back
from PTT Photo版

作者 lordcolus (God Save The Queen) 看板 photo
標題 [資訊] AGFA is Back
時間 Sat Nov 11 11:13:16 2006

(如果我的英文理解沒有錯誤的話 Orz)
看來以後應該還是有機會買到AGFA的底片哩 :)

AgfaPhoto brand resurfaces

The AgfaPhoto brand for imaging products is back. AgfaPhoto Holding GmbH, the
parent company of the collapsed AgfaPhoto GmbH, has licensed the brand to
several companies, reports PMA European Newsline. In spite of legal disputes
on the brand rights with Agfa-Gevaert NV, the company that sold its imaging
business and certain trademark rights to AgfaPhoto Holding GmbH.

plawa feinwerktechnik GmbH & Co. KG of Uhingen, Germany, now markets
digital cameras under the AgfaPhoto brand, while Sagem Communication of
Paris, France, a member of the Safran Group, has acquired the exclusive
license to use the AgfaPhoto trademark for their range of personal photo
printers. Sagem will produce and market 10-by-15 cm personal photo printers
under the brand in Europe, parts of Africa and Australia.

AgfaPhoto films (including the Vista line, CT Precisa, APX b/w films and
the black-and-white slide film Agfa Scala Professional), single-use and
analog cameras as well as a range of batteries are now available from the
newly formed Lupus Imaging & Media GmbH & CO. KG, Cologne, Germany. The
company is run by the previous AgfaPhoto managers, Markus Ludwig and Holger

AgfaPhoto d-lab minilabs are available from Foto + Minilabsysteme R. Saal
GmbH, Ro"ttenbach, Germany, which took over the complete minilab production
of the insolvent AgfaPhoto GmbH in early 2006 and continues production of the
d-labs at AgfaPhoto's former plant in Peiting, Germany.

Lordcolus's Blog

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◆ From:
※ skysheep:轉錄至看板 Lomo 11/11 12:23
推 skysheep:麻煩借轉lomo 11/11 12:23
推 infoto:其實一直都還買得到,生產線由公會主導採order生產 11/11 12:46
→ infoto:只在德國ebay販售,全球代理商斷了管道而買不到而已 11/11 12:48
→ infoto:這則新聞看起只是品牌交易,有公司買下傳統部門經營權 11/11 12:49
推 skysheep:那ct100也不是斷貨囉 只是比較難買? 11/11 13:33
推 infoto:http://0rz.tw/9821V,我只有查到黑白底片.... 11/11 13:51
推 ringyoung200:http://0rz.tw/fe212 一直都有啊,代標+運費貴而已 11/11 16:20
推 skysheep:現在流通的好像都是到2008/06這期 11/11 16:55
推 okbon66:台灣這邊有進 只是往往還沒看到現貨就被一個人掃光 ... 11/11 19:09
→ Boogy:我最想要的是Agfa黑白相紙 !!!! 11/11 20:53
推 HITACHI:我一直很想玩玩看Rodinal 11/11 21:20
推 Ianzoo:Rodinal我有朋友在賣 你要嗎? 125cc裝的 可1:50or25 11/11 21:36
→ Ianzoo:很有個性的東西 解析度 銳利度很高 我很喜歡 11/11 21:38
推 infoto:agfa 111我手上還有最後一包16x20..要等8x10放大頭到時用 11/11 21:55
→ infoto:你那個朋友應該不會是風評很差的張大師吧? 11/11 21:57
→ infoto:在灰階弄了一個分身把Y拍賣貼進去,真是搞不清楚狀況的傢伙 11/11 21:58
推 Ianzoo:呵呵 不姓張 也不是大師 但我大概知道您說的是哪位 11/11 22:15
→ Ianzoo:也在台中的那位嗎? 11/11 22:17
推 infoto:那就恭喜啦,遇過不少客人當著我的面數落該大師的待客之道 11/11 22:18
→ infoto:更有器材同業痛罵攝影教學都是在他手上搞爛的 11/11 22:22
→ infoto:可是呢,你不能在有紀錄的地方說他壞話,不然會被告的... 11/11 22:26
推 leibe:嘿嘿 Rodinal本社冰箱裡還有好多罐 11/12 02:42
→ leibe:大家嫌太粗...沒人要用... 11/12 02:44
推 darlost:我覺得洗apx剛剛好 很銳利的感覺 11/12 13:12
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 » [轉貼] AGFA is Back Number5 2006-11-19 19:32


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