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elf0724 | 發表時間: 2010-02-24 04:50 |
Home away from home 註冊日: 2007-06-22 來自: Taipei,Tainan 發表數: 497
Olympus承諾仍將持續維持4/3系統 Olympus still committed to Four Thirds DSLRs
本文為dpreview的訪談 23 February 2010 小弟簡單翻譯如下: ============================================================================================================================================================ Olympus is still committed to the Four Thirds DSLR standard and will continue to develop it in tandem with its Micro Four Thirds mirrorless cameras, says the company's US DSLR product manager. 'We still plan to develop full size DSLRs and [will market] both, side-by-side' John Knaur told dpreview.com. Olympus美國區DSLR產品經理John Knaur告訴dpreview.com說Olympus將維持4/3系統的存在並和Micro 4/3系統一同發展;他說:「我們仍在籌畫發展完整型的DSLR,同時也將在市場上共同行銷。」 The PEN range addresses different needs, he said: 'With the P1 and P2, we were selling to existing DSLR users but with the launch of the E-PL1, we're expanding that to a group of people who feel disenfranchised. We found about 20% of digital camera buyers wanted better image quality but didn't want the size and weight of a traditional DSLR.' PEN滿足了不同的需求,他說:「在4/3系統的第一章和和第二章中(因不知P1和P2是否確為Paragraph1和2,故此句為小弟個人臆測。),我們的相機是銷賣給既有的DSLR使用者,但是透過E-PL1的發行,我們的銷售範圍擴展到那些感到不滿足(被剝奪)的族群了,,我們發現約有20%的數位相機買家想要更好的畫質但不不想要傳統DSLR的體積和重量。」 His comments are backed up by an official statement from Olympus Japan in response to suggestions that both systems might move over to a mirroless design: 'While [mirrorless Four Thirds] is possible from a technology standpoint, Olympus is committed to both the Four Thirds and Micro Four Thirds standards. In the future, you will continue to see new cameras based on both standards.' 他的意見背後有一份來自日本Olympus回應對於4/3和Micro 4/3兩個系統轉向無反光鏡式設計的建議之官方聲明所背書:「當無反光鏡的4/3系統從技術性的觀點來看已具備可能性時,Olympus承諾4/3和Micro 4/3兩個系統都將繼續存在,你將可以持續見到兩種規格的新相機。」 Knaur also talked about the forthcoming lenses for Micro Four Thirds: 'The new 9-18 and 14-150 lenses both include internal focus which is faster and quieter than on the existing 14-42, which will help overcome a lot of the concerns people had early on about focus speed.' However, he did not think the company was likely to rush to replace the relatively recently developed 14-42mm kit lens to provide that same faster focusing for everyday shooting situations: 'at the moment it's more about filling the gaps in the lens range than replacing the existing ones.' Knaur也談到了即將發行的Micro 4/3鏡頭:「9-18和14-150這兩支新鏡都包含了比既有的14-42更快和更安靜的內對焦,它將有助於克服早先許多人所關心的對焦速度問題。」然而,他不認為該公司將急著把新近才研發出的14-42 kit更新取代,只為了讓你在日常拍攝照片的情形下能有同樣快速的對焦功能。「當下更優先的是先把鏡頭群填滿而非更新既有的鏡頭。」 ============================================================================================================================================================ 在先前另一篇文章Hank_Hsiao兄提及友站這篇有關Olympus兩項特殊專利的申請 Olympus申請了一個很邪惡的專利...聽說能完全解放老鏡,而且還能AF!? 再加上這篇專訪中提到來自日本Olympus的官方聲明 4/3系統拿掉反光鏡看來是Olympus的目標了 目前的問題只是 拿掉反光鏡之後騰出來的空間總不能白白放著吧 那到底要作什麼好呢? |
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